Texas Thespian Troupe #4122
The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the honor society for middle and high school theatre students. Membership is granted for the performance of meritorious
work in the theatre arts that meets the Society's general guidelines.
High school students can earn membership in EdTA’s student honorary, the International Thespian Society, the only international honor society for high school and middle school theatre arts students.
Members of ITS, called Thespians, receive EdTA’s publication, Dramatics, a monthly magazine that features new plays, practical articles on acting, directing, design, production, and profiles of working theatre professionals. In December, Dramatics releases a directory of college theatre programs to help the aspiring Thespian make the transition to college.
Thespians also receive member pricing on resources and Thespian spirit items. Throughout the year, Thespians participate in chapter events with others from across their state. Each summer, Thespians from all over the country take part in the annual Thespian Festival. Thespians see some of the best high school theatre on the Festival Main Stage while also sampling a variety of workshops in everything from dance to acting to mime to commedia. Also at the Festival are colleges and universities scouting potential students. Between shows, Festival attendees can wander among the booths and even schedule a time to audition for schools and scholarships. EdTA also hands out many scholarships, grants, and awards to students every year.